Article:Short Selling in a Financial Crisis: The Regulation of Short Sales in the United Kingdom and the United States
Article - AcademicShort Selling in a Financial Crisis: The Regulation
of Short Sales in the United Kingdom and the
United States
Katherine McGavin
Northwestern Journal of International Law & Business, 15 December 2010
In a well-regulated market with minimal risk of abuse, the liquidity
and information efficiency benefits of short selling far outweigh its
potential harm. Contrary to the recent hostility short sellers face from
market regulators and the popular press,’ short sellers in aggregate are
neither market villains nor agents of destruction. While a small minority of
short sellers have exploited lax regulation and inattentive enforcement of
anti-abuse rules to manipulate stock prices and earn substantial fees, these
rare episodes suggest that the world’s major capital markets need better
enforcement of existing rules and not new rules per se. The failure of
market regulators to prevent abuse and manipulation of stock prices by short sellers and curb naked short selling reflects a failure of enforcement,
not bad underlying policy.
PDF (41 pages): Short Selling in a Financial Crisis: The Regulation
of Short Sales in the United Kingdom and the
United States
Article: JP Morgan Covering Silver Short Position, Says NIA
Article - MediaJP Morgan Covering Silver Short Position, Says NIA
National Inflation Association, 14 December 2010
There were reports out today that JP Morgan has now admitted to having their massive naked short position in silver and is taking steps to reduce it. According to the Financial Times in London, “JPMorgan has quietly reduced a large position in the US silver futures market which had been at the centre of a controversy about its impact on global prices for the precious metal.” According to a person familiar with the matter, “The decision by JPMorgan was an attempt to deflect public criticism of the bank’s dealings in silver.” JP Morgan said in a statement, “It is absolutely incorrect to say or imply that the Nymex, CFTC or any other exchange or regulator has instructed or asked us to reduce our position.”
Article: Investing for Profit in the Russian Mafia States Stock Market, Goodbye Chinese Century?
Article - Media, PublicationsInvesting for Profit in the Russian Mafia States Stock Market, Goodbye Chinese Century?
Wikileaks recently released U.S. Embassy cables that contained accusations of Russia being a defacto Mafia State that has ceased to be a democracy and is run by the secret services on behalf of an Oligarchy. Much of which comes as nothing of a surprise to either the Russian people, business men or foreign investors who know that whilst doing business with Russia can prove highly profitable,
however investors and business people have to be nimble footed by being prepared to pull their funds out at short notice, which mean investors need to be invested in highly liquid funds that aim to track or better the general Russian stock indices such as the RTS stock market index rather than in illiquid individual stocks.
Article: JP Morgan and the Massive Silver Short: The Greatest Story Ever Told
Article - MediaJP Morgan and the Massive Silver Short: The Greatest Story Ever Told
Kid Dynamite
SeekingAlpha, 10 December 2010
Let’s take a step back and start with some facts, and perhaps we can then figure out where the facts morphed into Internet Folklore Legend. First of all, JP Morgan is being investigated by the CFTC (Commodity Futures Trading Commission) for alleged manipulation of the silver market. Second, JP Morgan is a large player in the precious metals derivatives markets. Third, many experts in the field estimate that the outstanding open interest in silver futures is very large relative to the actual supply of physical silver in the world. Depending on estimates, the outstanding interest in paper silver (futures and options) may be larger than the outstanding existing physical silver stocks. Finally, the CFTC has been debating instituting position limits in precious metals contracts, and is still working on that issue.
Video: Dave Patch Keeps It Simple OK then just settle the trades
Article - MediaArticle: Innovation Mandate: Patrick Byrne Lays It On The Line
Article - Media, PublicationsInnovation Mandate: Patrick Byrne Lays It On The Line
Doug Henschen, 10 December 2010
Online discount retailer Overstock.com is recognized as a world-class technology organization. Using advanced information management technology, for instance, it can roll up its profit-and-loss position in two hours, giving executives accurate, up-to-date insight for fast decision-making. Continue reading “Article: Innovation Mandate: Patrick Byrne Lays It On The Line”