Tweet by Jim on Twitter
TweetIn other news, Gary fails to see the 800 lb elephant dancing in his office… pic.twitter.com/xYqorSmoS5
— Jim (@Jim54288169) August 17, 2021
Article: SEC Charges Investment Adviser and Associated Individuals with Causing Violations of Regulation SHO
Article - MediaSEC Charges Investment Adviser and Associated Individuals with Causing Violations of Regulation SHO
Washington D.C., Aug. 17, 2021
The Securities and Exchange Commission today announced settled charges against Murchinson Ltd.; its principal, Marc Bistricer; and its trader, Paul Zogala (the respondents), for providing erroneous order-marking information that caused executing brokers to violate Regulation SHO. In addition, Murchinson and Bistricer settled charges for causing a dealer to fail to register with the SEC.
According to the SEC’s order, from June 2016 through October 2017, the respondents provided erroneous order-marking information on hundreds of sale orders of their hedge fund client to the hedge fund’s brokers, causing those brokers to mismark the hedge funds’ sales as “long.” The order finds that in providing the inaccurate information, the respondents also caused the hedge fund’s brokers to fail to borrow or locate shares prior to executing the sales.
Tweet by Taylor Geedey on Twitter
TweetYour father sounds like many of the $AMC retail investors. Since you’re leadership team is denying our FOIA requests, I’m just curious… you close to following through on your oath to protect market integrity… or are you allowing more manipulation on your watch? #DarkPoolAbuse pic.twitter.com/ijWyj1uhbf
— Taylor Geedey (@worthalooksie) August 13, 2021
Tweet by Lucy Komisar on Twitter
TweetSEC post regularly about awarding whistle-blowers. The SEC have millions of people passing evidence on market manipulation and dark pool abuse, we are whistling @GaryGensler why are you not listening? Actions speak louder than words and it's what you will be judged on.
— Trubes365 (@trubes365) August 12, 2021
Tweet by Gary Gensler on Twitter
TweetWhat you say about payment for order flow is important. Now tell us what you think about pervasive naked short selling. And how the SEC can stop it.
— Lucy Komisar (@LucyKomisar) August 12, 2021
Tweet by Dragon Breath on Twitter
TweetInterview 8.8.21 #darkpools @CNBC erase clip. 8.10.21 @andrewrsorkin “conspiracy theories” “Don’t make much sense” Please restore clip @CNBC & let @GaryGensler words speak for himself. Silence is the same as complicit @MelissaLeeCNBC @jimcramer @cvpayne https://t.co/SU5Sg3LGW8 pic.twitter.com/GXj39RS6Z7
— Dragon Breath (@elon55447676) August 11, 2021
Tweet by Gary Gensler on Twitter
TweetWe must guard against fraud and manipulation, whether from big actors, hedge funds, or elsewhere.
We are taking a close look at market structure to ensure our capital markets are working for investors.
My discussion with @andrewrsorkin 👇 pic.twitter.com/xoF3K7X1aE
— Gary Gensler (@GaryGensler) August 5, 2021
Tweet by CNBC’s Fast Money on Twitter
TweetHere is the number one thing the SEC should be doing to level the trading field for investors, according to former Citadel trader and Urvin CEO. @dlauer pic.twitter.com/MrUqIW3QQu
— CNBC's Fast Money (@CNBCFastMoney) August 4, 2021
Mirror: The Dirty Secrets You Wanted To Know || Dark Pools & PFOF Explained W/ Dave Lauer
VideoArticle: The Global Intelligence Files
Article - MediaWikileaks, 02 Aug 2021
On Monday February 27th, 2012, WikiLeaks began publishing The Global Intelligence Files, over five million e-mails from the Texas headquartered “global intelligence” company Stratfor. The e-mails date between July 2004 and late December 2011. They reveal the inner workings of a company that fronts as an intelligence publisher, but provides confidential intelligence services to large corporations, such as Bhopal’s Dow Chemical Co., Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, Raytheon and government agencies, including the US Department of Homeland Security, the US Marines and the US Defence Intelligence Agency. The emails show Stratfor’s web of informers, pay-off structure, payment laundering techniques and psychological methods.
Article: Ex-Merrill Trader Says Co-Workers in Spoof Trial Taught Him
Article - MediaEx-Merrill Trader Says Co-Workers in Spoof Trial Taught Him
Breanna Bradham, 24 July 2021
A former trader at Bank of America Corp.’s Merrill Lynch unit told a federal jury in Chicago that he learned how to manipulate the price of precious metals from two more senior traders in the bank’s New York office, John Pacilio and Edward Bases.
Harnaik Lakhan said he used Merrill’s internal computer system to watch Pacilio and Bases, who are on trial for alleged spoofing, issue buy and sell orders they didn’t intend to be filled, pushing prices up or down to make it profitable for orders they wanted to execute. Lakhan, who agreed to cooperate with the government to avoid prosecution, said he began using the same techniques from his office in London.
Tweet by NateTheApe on Twitter IV
TweetHopefully we can develop quantum programming language that can help the SEC be an effective and ethical regulatory agency in the interest of a truly free market.
— NateTheApe (@NateSte48031981) July 30, 2021
Tweet by NateTheApe on Twitter III
TweetI would also like to pass on that I have high hopes and expectations that you will find solutions and the cooperation to make positive changes in the interest of freedom and opportunities for all.
— NateTheApe (@NateSte48031981) July 30, 2021
Tweet by NateTheApe on Twitter II
TweetOver our economic health and what companies get to survive is morally bankrupt. If these MM's are so infallible, why do we have some companies with more shares owned than issued?
— NateTheApe (@NateSte48031981) July 30, 2021