Tweet by Gary Weiss on Twitter
TweetActually the real father of the naked shorting conspiracy theory was a scam artist named Urban Casavant. He died in 2014. Here's his obit. That being said, I have no thoughts on $AMC except to observe that some of the shorts are worse than the longs.
— Gary Weiss (@gary_weiss) June 15, 2021
Mirror: Patrick Byrne The Deep Rig Book #1 Best Selling Book Interview Broken Potholes [audio]
VideoEIN TOON 15: Patrick Byrne Takes on Wall Street
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The Deep Rig By Patrick Byrne Interview Clip #1 Best Seller Book Jeremy Ryan Slate
VideoThe Deep Rig By Patrick Byrne Interview Clip #1 Best Seller Book Jeremy Ryan Slate

Entrepreneur: Patrick M. Byrne
entrepreneur, PeoplePatrick M. Byrne (born November 29, 1962) is an American entrepreneur who was the CEO of In 1999, Byrne launched after leading two smaller companies, including one owned by Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway. In 2002, Byrne took public. Since its initial public offering, has increased revenue to almost $1.8 billion, while achieving profitability in 2009.
In 2005, Byrne became known for his campaign against illegal naked short selling. Byrne and securities regulators maintained illegal naked shorting had been used in violation of securities law to distort prices of public companies’ stock. Under his direction, filed two lawsuits alleging improper acts by Wall Street firms, a hedge fund, and an independent research firm.[5] In each case the defendants settled with out of court. Continue reading “Entrepreneur: Patrick M. Byrne”
Article: Payback? SEC Run by Mrs. Peter Strzok Launches Investigation of Overstock Actions When Patrick Byrne Was CEO
Article - Media, PublicationsProTrumpNews Staff, 27 February 2021
Former CEO Patrick Byrne was a major player in the effort to investigate the 2020 election irregularities and fraud.
He offered his considerable resources to the Trump team.
He analyzed tons of data. Continue reading “Article: Payback? SEC Run by Mrs. Peter Strzok Launches Investigation of Overstock Actions When Patrick Byrne Was CEO”
Twitter: Ihor Dusaniwsky Delusional? Robert Steele Comments
TweetIhor Dusanisky
Anything that is “fully paid for”, like a 401k, is automatically segregated by your broker & can’t be touched. It is a very big no-no for those shares to be used & when a broker gets their annual rectal exam by the authorities it is one of the first things the examiners check for
Robert David Steele
Ihor, nice in theory but the reality is that brokers ALWAYS borrow cash account shares to cover naked shorts, i.e. shares sold long that they don’t own or have not legally borrowed. @PatrickByrne
Article: Meet Patrick Byrne: Bitcoin Messiah, CEO of Overstock, Scourge of Wall Street
Article - Media, Publications, UncategorizedMeet Patrick Byrne: Bitcoin Messiah, CEO of Overstock, Scourge of Wall Street
Cade Metz, WIRED, 18 February 2021
The problem with the modern economy, Byrne says, is that it rests on the whims of our government and our big banks, that each has the power to create money that’s backed by nothing but themselves. Thanks to what’s called fractional reserve banking, a bank can take in $10 in deposits, but then loan out $100. The government can make more dollars at any time, instantly reducing the currency’s value. Eventually, he says, laying down a classic libertarian metaphor, this “magic money tree” will come crashing down.
Mark Cohodes Hears From Robert Steele Tik Tok Tik Tok
TweetMark Cohodes posted this to his “private” twitter:
Robert Steele, intelligence professional, responded:
@AlderLaneeggs Bummer — you are climbing in the tag cloud at We have it all — every email, every text, every game chat and every single one of your banking transactions. Have a great day, Mr. C. @PatrickByrne
— Robert David Steele (@OSSRobertSteele) February 17, 2021
NOTE: Mr. Cohodes is believed to be well aware there were 50 million counterfeit shares. Evidence of both that fact and his knowledge of and engagement with that fact can be presented to a court court. Mr. Cohodes should have his day in court — in fact, he should have many days in many courts in CA, UK, and US. Tik tok, tik tok . . .
2021-02-11 – Mirror: Anti-Social Media: fake news in defense of naked short selling
VideoMirror: Patrick Byrne-Changing a Billion Lives & Stopping Corruption With Blockchain
VideoArticle: Patrick Byrne
Article - Media, PublicationsMarketswiki, 02 February 2021
Patrick Byrne is an American entrepreneur. Despite owning a company that is publicly traded on Wall Street, he has been called “The Scourge of Wall Street” for his outspoken criticism of several high-profile individuals in various financial institutions whom he accused of corruption.[1] He is the founder and chief executive officer of, one of the first retailers to begin accepting bitcoin as payment for goods and services.[2] He is also the co-creator of the blockchain platform tZERO.
On August 22, 2019, in a letter to shareholders, Byrne announced his resignation as chief executive officer and member of the board of Continue reading “Article: Patrick Byrne”
Cooter, 05 January 2021
We’ve learned some new and very important information thanks to former Overstock CEO Patrick Byrne this week. They’ve now been able to confirm and corroborate the testimony and sworn affidavit of the USPS worker who said that he drove ballots from New York to Pennsylvania. Continue reading “Article: PATRICK BYRNE GIVE REAL HOPE IN ELECTION FRAUD INVESTIGATION”