Fined: U. S. Boston Capital Corporation Fined by FINRA


U. S. Boston Capital Corporation Fined by FINRA

10 June 2019

An AWC was issued in which the firm was censured, fined $125,000 and required to review and revise, as necessary, its systems, policies and procedures regarding consolidated reports, and certify that those systems, policies and procedures are reasonably designed to achieve compliance with the applicable FINRA rules. Without admitting or denying the findings, the firm consented to the sanctions and to the entry of findings that it failed to establish and maintain a supervisory system and failed to establish, maintain and enforce WSPs, reasonably designed to achieve compliance with applicable securities laws, regulations and FINRA rules regarding registered representatives’ creation and use of consolidated reports.

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Fined: Ross, Sinclaire & Associates, LLC Fined by FINRA


Ross, Sinclaire & Associates, LLC Fined by FINRA

10 June 2019

An AWC was issued in which the firm was censured and fined $200,000. Without admitting or denying the findings, the firm consented to the sanctions and to the entry of findings that it failed to disclose material facts while assisting with the preparation and circulation of a confidential information memorandum (CIM) to accredited investors for a private placement of notes.

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Fined: Robert W. Baird & Co. Incorporated Fined by FINRA


Robert W. Baird & Co. Incorporated Fined by FINRA

7 June 2019

An AWC was issued in which the firm was censured and fined $150,000. Without admitting or denying the findings, the firm consented to the sanctions and to the entry of findings that it published seven research reports about an issuer without disclosing that the research analyst who authored the reports was engaged in employment discussions with the issuer that constituted an actual, material conflict of interest.

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Article: Swiss regulator to fine banks €80m over foreign exchange cartel

Article - Media, Publications

Swiss regulator to fine banks €80m over foreign exchange cartel

The Irish Times, 06 June 2019

Four British and US banks will be fined about 90 million Swiss francs (€80m) this week by Switzerland’s competition authority for colluding to rig foreign exchange markets, weeks after the European Union handed out €1 billion of penalties for similar misconduct.

Weko, as the Swiss regulator is known, found that traders at Barclays, JPMorgan, Citigroup and Royal Bank of Scotland worked together in a cartel-style arrangement to manipulate currency prices for their own gain, according to people briefed on the decision. Continue reading “Article: Swiss regulator to fine banks €80m over foreign exchange cartel”

Fined: Nomura Securities International, Inc. Fined by FINRA


Nomura Securities International, Inc. Fined by FINRA

3 June 2019

An AWC was issued in which the firm was censured and fined $225,000. Without admitting or denying the findings, the firm consented to the sanctions and to the entry of findings that it failed to report and inaccurately reported reportable over-thecounter (OTC) options positions to the Large Options Position Reporting system (LOPR) and untimely reported options positions to the FINRA Trade Reporting Facility®.

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Fined: Lime Brokerage LLC Fined by FINRA (June 2019)


Lime Brokerage LLC Fined by FINRA

3 June 2019

A Letter of Acceptance, Waiver and Consent (AWC) was issued in which the firm was censured and fined $75,000. Without admitting or denying the findings, the firm consented to the sanctions and to the entry of findings that it failed to accurately calculate its net capital resulting in net capital deficiencies in amounts ranging from $3,348 to $449,666. The findings stated that the firm improperly calculated its customer reserve formula on one occasion and, as a result, failed to make a sufficient deposit in its reserve account, resulting in a hindsight deficiency of $59,590 for one month.

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