"Quinton Mathews, managing member of the Dallas-based investment advisory firm QKM LLC, disclosed his identity Monday in a blog post on the Seeking Alpha website to meet a court-imposed deadline in a defamation lawsuit." $FPI https://t.co/kU2r2tzQ42
— UnHedgedChatter (@UnHedgedChatter) June 8, 2020
Mirror: Former Hedge Fund Trader Shares Key Insights About AMC and GME
VideoTweet by Bill Tufts – People’s Reset We Decide Not Elites on Twitter
TweetJohn Petersen and Robert Steele on the Near Future
VideoTweet by Rudy Havenstein, a pre-revenue cloud startup on Twitter
TweetArticle: Silvergate Bank cuts ties with Binance, affecting deposits and withdrawals
Article - MediaSilvergate Bank cuts ties with Binance, affecting deposits and withdrawals
Alert Reader comment:
There seems to be a problem with SWIFT. Maybe it’s because it doesn’t exist anymore?
Tweet by Jorge Ortiz on Twitter
TweetWho did this???🤣🤣🤣😭😭😭#NakedShorting #NAKEDSHORTSYEAH $AMC #AMC #AMCtothemoon #AMCSTRONG #AMCFORLIFE #NOTAPENNY #AMCTheatres #AMCAPES #AMCARMY #AMCSqueeze pic.twitter.com/iSMpaq0uhl
— Jorge Ortiz (@jortizcapital) June 14, 2021
Tweet by Gary Weiss on Twitter
TweetActually the real father of the naked shorting conspiracy theory was a scam artist named Urban Casavant. He died in 2014. Here's his obit. https://t.co/m8xLpFfKdF That being said, I have no thoughts on $AMC except to observe that some of the shorts are worse than the longs. https://t.co/JmjioP22ht
— Gary Weiss (@gary_weiss) June 15, 2021
Tweet by Charles Gasparino on Twitter
TweetAs @gary_weiss just pointed out to me, really interesting is that the father of the #NakedShorting conspiracy — Patrick Byrne–has been noticeably silent on it now. It should be pointed out that Byrne, the former CEO of @Overstock, has moved on to pushing election-fraud theories
— Charles Gasparino (@CGasparino) June 10, 2021
Mirror: New Lawsuit Alleges Conspiracy on AMC and GameStop Short Squeeze
VideoMirror: Lucy Komisar On The SEC, Regulatory Capture, And The Corruption Of Wall Street
VideoMirror: Melissa Lee & Naked Shorts – Naked Ape Ep. 01
VideoTweet by Susanne Trimbath PhD on Twitter
Tweet"…Depository Trust Clearing Corporation, the shadowy colossus…" I wonder if this will go as viral as @mtaibbi calling Goldman Sachs "…a great vampire squid…"? Not quite the same ring to it. I call them the 500 pound gorilla. https://t.co/HB66N6dKYn
— Susanne Trimbath PhD (@SusanneTrimbath) June 12, 2021
Tweet by Susanne Trimbath PhD on Twitter
TweetThe self-regulatory system is a suicide pact. Wall Street will stick to it even in the face of investor protests, issuing company complaints and the next financial crisis. It's 2008 Redux! https://t.co/8wSL1295ji
— Susanne Trimbath PhD (@SusanneTrimbath) June 12, 2021
Article: Once You Realize The US Government Is An Organized Crime Syndicate, Everything Makes Sense
Article - MediaOnce You Realize The US Government Is An Organized Crime Syndicate, Everything Makes Sense
L Todd Wood, 10 June 2021
Obama corrupted everything good within the U.S. government, finishing what the Clinton’s started. Joe Biden (essentially Obama’s third term) is the coup de grace.
Axios released an article today detailing that half the unemployment aid issued over the past year was sent out of the country to foreign criminal organizations.