SEC Chair Gary Gensler @PiperSandler Exchange Conf:
there are signs hat the NBBO [National Best Bid and Offer] is not a complete enough representation of the market with half of the trading interest either in dark pools or is internalized by wholesaler.@SEC_News @CNBC— Bob Pisani (@BobPisani) June 9, 2021
Tweet by Bob Pisani on Twitter – SEC Chair Gary Gensler
TweetSEC Chair Gary Gensler @PiperSandler Exchange Conf:
We now have the technology to further shorten the settlement cycles, not only to T+1, but even to same-day settlement — T+0 or “T+evening. Shortening the settlement cycle could reduce costs and risks.
@SEC_News @CNBC— Bob Pisani (@BobPisani) June 9, 2021
Mirror: AMC Stock 100k Confirmed Because Of This?!! Super Important Data That All AMC Holders Shoul
VideoMirror: Wall Street Corruption & Short Squeezes || Financial Treason With Wes Christian
VideoTweet by Julija on Twitter
TweetMust watch👇 seems that major reason for Great Reset, which has been planned for last decades, is the overinflated corrupred banking system, based on Federal Reserve Act 1913. It doesn't serve them anymore. The same bankers, which have established it, are destroying it right now.
— Julija (@Julija9Julija) June 8, 2021
Letter: SEC Issues New Rules to Protect Investors Against Naked Short Selling Abuses
LetterSEC Issues New Rules to Protect Investors Against Naked Short Selling Abuses
Tweet by 1tallflyer: Buy it and they will come. on Twitter
TweetGary Gensler knows the real story Gaspy. Naked shorts, dark pooling the buys, sending buys to OTC and other places. AMC and GME prices would be 4x where they are now If not for the cheating. Wake up Gaspy and stop speaking for the hedgies. Thank you both.
— 1tallflyer: Buy it and they will come. (@1tallflyer) June 8, 2021
Mirror: The corruption of the SEC, over decades and till today, Lucy Komisar
VideoMirror: Financial Analyst Bo Polny, Founder of
VideoMirror: 5 NEW ANALYSTS SPEAK UP! “AMC TO THE MOON” Fox Business x CNBC x Wes Christian! AMC Huge Cat
VideoTweet by Susanne Trimbath PhD on Twitter
TweetNSG, Part I: "The more rules that are put in place to support this flawed infrastructure, the more the risk created by a build-up of unsettled trades in the system will look like the asbestos of the 21st century:
— Susanne Trimbath PhD (@SusanneTrimbath) June 7, 2021
Mirror: SEC charges trading firm with naked short selling
VideoArticle: “Get Shorty” – FINRA Requests Comment on Proposed Significant Changes to Short Position and Stock Loan Reporting
Article - MediaSidley Austin LLP, 07 June 2021
On June 4, 2021, the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) published Regulatory Notice 21-19 (the Notice), which requests comment on certain significant proposed changes to short position and stock loan reporting. Currently, FINRA Rule 4560 generally requires clearing firms/prime brokers that are FINRA members to report to FINRA twice per month aggregate settled short positions in firm and customer accounts, subject to certain exceptions. The short interest data collected by FINRA includes the reporting firm’s current aggregate settled short positions for each security and any short position changes at the firm since the prior reporting period. FINRA has requested comment on proposals that would, among other things, (i) increase the frequency of short interest reporting from twice per month to weekly or even daily; (ii) require clearing firms to report synthetic short exposure (e.g., long puts/short calls) in firm and customer accounts; (iii) require clearing firms to report loan obligations resulting from arranged financing and enhanced lending programs; (iv) require clearing firms to report to FINRA for regulatory purposes a report of daily allocations of fail to deliver positions under Rule 204(d) of Regulation SHO; and (v) consider requiring FINRA member firms to report to FINRA (for regulatory purposes but with an eye toward eventual public dissemination) certain information on stock loans.
Graphic: Whose Share Is This, Rules Don’t Matter?
GraphicArticle: The corruption of the SEC, over decades and till today
Article - Media, VideoThe corruption of the SEC, over decades and till today
Lucy Komisar, 06 June 2021
The Securities and Exchange Commission, set up after the 1929 stock market crash, has been a corrupt operation captured by the stock brokers and Wall Street actors it was supposed to regulate. Here is the history, told in a video I did for Superstonk.
Continue reading “Article: The corruption of the SEC, over decades and till today”