Subject: Fahmi Quadir

Subject of Interest

Founder & Chief Investment Officer at Safkhet Capital

Born in the USA to Bangladeshi parents. Left PhD track to do research at Deallus Consulting.  Recruited by Michael Krensavage to be a short seller.

Central to the short selling of both Valeant and Wirecard. Has enjoyed a massive media elevation with no inquries into her connections to naked short sellers who destroyed both Valeant and Wirecard.


Comment: There is a new layer of naked short sellers and bashers on Wall Street that is connected to India, Pakistan, and Bangldesh. They are the new gang in town.

Article: Short-sellers need more transparency, says former SEC commissioner


Short-sellers need more transparency, says former SEC commissioner

Ben Ashwell, Corporate Secretary, 26 June 2020

Robert Jackson discusses short-selling, fraud and the role of the commission

Former SEC commissioner Robert Jackson says he is troubled by the ‘increasing evidence of manipulation through short-selling’, and calls on his former colleagues at the SEC to consider a proposal for greater transparency for short-sellers.

Read full article.

Robert Steele: Decision Memorandum for the President – Achieving the Mother of All Landslides with Six Initiatives



25 June 2020


From: Robert David Steele

Subject: Eradicating Crime on Wall Street, Recovering $100 Trillion, Passing Election Reform Legislation, Winning the Mother of All Landslides

Continue reading “Robert Steele: Decision Memorandum for the President – Achieving the Mother of All Landslides with Six Initiatives”

Article: Wirecard Shares Plunge 60% As Auditors ‘Unable To Verify’ $2 Billion In Cash On Its Books

Article - Media

Wirecard Shares Plunge 60% As Auditors ‘Unable To Verify’ $2 Billion In Cash On Its Books

As we’ve previously noted, German regulators have bent over backwards to accommodate Wirecard, even going so far as to discourage short sellers from targeting the stock, and launching an investigation into an FT reporter who published the first allegations about fraud within the fast-growing digital payments company.

Read full article.

Comment: Insiders always have deep broad advance knowledge. Wirecard appears to have some combination of internal issues AND be under attack. The plunging prices are covering the shorts.  NSA has all the data but is not doing “trade intelligence” or white collar crime counterintelligence.

Article: Robinhood Selling Order Flow to Enable Illegal Front Running by Wall Street

Article - Media

New filing shows Robinhood brought in close to $100 million by offloading order flow in the first quarter

Frank Chaparro, 15 June 2020

  • The new 606 filed at the end of May shows net payments made to Robinhood increased from $19.4 million in January to $45.4 million in March
  • Payments for options orders made up the lion’s share of total payments

Continue reading “Article: Robinhood Selling Order Flow to Enable Illegal Front Running by Wall Street”

Video: Inside Lehman Brothers


Inside Lehman Brothers is the autopsy of a crime by those who tried to prevent it from within. As mortgage brokers for Lehman’s subsidiary BNC, Linda Weekes and her Californian colleagues were at the forefront of the subprime crisis. Matthew Lee, then headquartered in New York, was the first leader to have refused to validate the accounts tainted by fraudulent transactions. At the time nobody listened to these whistleblowers. In 2007 and 2008 other banks lost by the same greed and were saved by the Fed. On Wall Street they say Lehman Brothers was “sacrificed”. It was necessary to make them an example, to promise that this would not happen again. Today banks have recovered their health, and with it, their bad habits. The labels have changed but the mechanisms remain, unlocked by Donald Trump whose cabinet of advisors are the ones who drove the system into bankruptcy back in 2008. Inside Lehman Brothers is the result of an investigative survey conducted by the team for over two years.