Article: Thanks to Marc Cohodes, We’re Back to the Bad Old Days at

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Thanks to Marc Cohodes, We’re Back to the Bad Old Days at

White Collar Fraud, 20 December 2017 CEO Patrick Byrne is good at many things, but not running a public company. The company has cooked the books for years at a time, and as explored by money manager Dave Kranzler in this Seeking Alpha blog, Overstock is a “dumpster fire waiting to happen,” a cash-burning vehicle run by a hype-happy chief executive and floating on a cloud of hot air.
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Article: Russian and British national guilty of elaborate $1 million fraud following private prosecution

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Russian and British national guilty of elaborate $1 million fraud following private prosecution

Edmonds, Marshall, McMahon, 13 December 2017

On the 13th December 2017, Andrey Kulich was unanimously convicted in a private prosecution for his involvement in a $1 million conspiracy to defraud Argyn Khassenov, following a four-week trial at Birmingham Crown Court.

Andrey Kulich, a Russian and British national, of Newham Bridge, Worcestershire, was sentenced to a total of 5 years imprisonment and confiscation proceedings will follow.

Commenting on the case, Tamlyn Edmonds, Partner at Edmonds Marshall McMahon who was instructed by the victim of the fraud, Argyn Khassenov, said: Continue reading “Article: Russian and British national guilty of elaborate $1 million fraud following private prosecution”

Article: Hernando de Soto and Patrick Byrne Unite to Challenge Global Poverty & Inequality

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Hernando de Soto and Patrick Byrne Unite to Challenge Global Poverty & Inequality

GLOBE NEWSWIRE, 13 December 2017

World-renowned economist Hernando de Soto and blockchain technology leader Patrick Byrne (founder, Inc. (NASDAQ:OSTK) and blockchain subsidiary Medici Ventures) have formed a joint venture to develop a global property registry system to surface the property rights of billions of people in the developing world. The new company – De Soto, Inc. – brings together de Soto’s decades worth of reforms (especially regarding property rights) at the Institute for Liberty and Democracy (ILD) and Medici Ventures’ blockchain expertise to build solutions to empower individuals through recognized property ownership.

De Soto, Inc. is developing a blockchain-based system using mobile applications and social media integration that will bring to light the thousands of “disconnected ledgers” (i.e., informal ownership records) that exist at local levels in communities around the world. In doing so, it will create a global repository on which ownership and transfer can be based. The system aims to promote the interests of people who are currently operating extra-legally, as well as multinational corporations who are trying to cooperate with local owners. The company expects to launch its first pilot program in early 2018. Continue reading “Article: Hernando de Soto and Patrick Byrne Unite to Challenge Global Poverty & Inequality”

Article: JP Morgan Chase, Bernie Madoff’s $64.8 Billion Ponzi Scheme and Crime on Wall Street

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JP Morgan Chase, Bernie Madoff’s $64.8 Billion Ponzi Scheme and Crime on Wall Street

Dennis M. Kelleher, 06 December 2017

As the headlines have made clear for years, JP Morgan Chase has a long rap sheet of illegal conduct and, although overlooked, it includes enabling Bernie Madoff’s $64.8 billion Ponzi scheme, the largest in history, which caused net losses of more than $17 billion and untold human wreckage.

Six years ago on December 11, 2008, federal agents arrested Madoff, the ringleader of the Ponzi scheme — as a coda to an age of regulator and prosecutorial incompetence and neglect, Madoff was not caught; he was arrested after turning himself in. This happened in the middle of the largest financial crash since 1929, when the country’s economy was collapsing and when a second Great Depression was a very real possibility. Although not responsible for the crash and collapse, Madoff in handcuffs was in some ways the face of Wall Street greed and criminality.

However, that is a false and misleading picture of crime on Wall Street.

After all, how could this one guy possibly pull off such a crime and at that scale and for so long? He couldn’t have and didn’t. Like most substantial illegal and criminal financial activities, Madoff had a very close relationship with a big Wall Street bank: JP Morgan Chase, the country’s largest bank. Given the focus on the crash and economic calamity in 2008 and JP Morgan Chase’s years-long efforts to prevent any information from being publicly disclosed, JP Morgan’s role in enabling this massive crime wasn’t publicly known for years.

That veil of secrecy ended when a compliant was filed by a court appointed trustee to recover funds for the thousands of injured investors, as summarized in this article: “Trustee: JP Morgan Abetted Madoff.“ In the complaint, the trustees alleged that JP Morgan Chase “was at the very center of the fraud, and thoroughly complicit in it.” JP Morgan Chase, the complaint stated, “turned a blind eye to” Madoff’s fraud.”

Madoff’s decades long fraudulent scheme resulted in the loss of “$64.8 billion in paper wealth and at least $17.5 billion in cash losses.“ The second, third and fourth largest Ponzi scheme losses in history collectively only amounted to 60% of what Madoff stole. While this was happening, JP Morgan made hundreds of millions of dollars from “servicing” Madoff’s accounts and saved itself another $276 million invested with Madoff by remarkably well-timed withdrawals, conveniently just before the scheme was revealed. All of this is documented in the complaint.

Moreover, there is clear information that JP Morgan Chase, including senior officials in compliance and elsewhere, knew about the Ponzi scheme long before Madoff decided to turn himself in. In fact, it appears that JP Morgan Chase “ignored red flags for about 15 years“ that Madoff used JP Morgan Chase accounts to run his fraudulent scheme. Just one egregious example: the complaint quotes (p. 31+) from a June 15, 2007 email from John Hogan, Chief Risk Officer, Investment Bank, JP Morgan Chase to Matt Zames, a senior executive and head of several business lines, stating:

“For whatever its worth, I am sitting at lunch with Matt Zames who just told me that there is a well-known cloud over the head of Madoff and that his returns are speculated to be part of a [P]onzi scheme….”

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Article: Will Overstock Revolutionize the Stock Exchanges Business with Blockchain?

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Will Overstock Revolutionize the Stock Exchanges Business with Blockchain?

Ross Pilot, 17 November 17 2017

Do you believe in the long-term future of initial coin offerings but can’t stomach the lack of regulation, wild-west mentality, and outright scams in the marketplace? There are just not a lot of good deals out there.

Nano-caps have turned overnight-blockchain with a signed MOUs or JVs that lets them put out a news release with words “blockchain” just to cash in on the hype.But there have been very few options to bet on a true blockchain based application that is in development and not just written up in whitepaper or PowerPoint presentation. Continue reading “Article: Will Overstock Revolutionize the Stock Exchanges Business with Blockchain?”

Article: New York fines Credit Suisse $135 mn over forex manipulation

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New York fines Credit Suisse $135 mn over forex manipulation

Agence France-Presse, 14 November 2017

US regulators hit banking giant Credit Suisse with a $135 million fine to resolve allegations its traders manipulated foreign exchange prices, New York officials announced Monday.

The illicit activity began at least as far back as 2008 through as recently as 2015, and included profiting at clients’ expense and improperly sharing client information, the New York State Department of Financial Services said in a statement.The department’s superintendent Maria Vullo said certain bank executives “deliberately fostered a corrupt culture” which permitted repeated violations of the law and of client trust.The action against Credit Suisse is the latest in a series of agreements by major international banks to settle the investigations by US authorities into the alleged manipulation of the foreign exchange market. In late September, the British bank HSBC agreed to pay $175 million to avoid prosecution. Continue reading “Article: New York fines Credit Suisse $135 mn over forex manipulation”

Article: Credit Suisse fined $135m after FX traders ‘manipulated’ market

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Credit Suisse fined $135m after FX traders ‘manipulated’ market

Hayley McDowell, 17 November 2017

Credit Suisse’s foreign exchange (FX) business has been fined $135 million after regulators found traders manipulated prices, shared customer information and engaged in front running client orders.

The New York State Department of Financial Services (DFS) carried out an investigation and found that from at least 2008 to 2015 the investment bank failed to control its FX trading activities. Traders were found to have used a multi-party chat room with code names to discreetly share confidential information on clients and worked together to manipulate currency prices and benchmarks.

Financial Services Superintendent Maria Vullo explained certain executives within the business had deliberately failed to implement controls in the FX trading business. Furthermore, the investigation found Credit Suisse had an algorithm in place specifically designed to front-run client limit and stop-loss orders. Traders used this information to enter the market, knowing the market might move if the stop-loss or limit order was triggered by the algo. Continue reading “Article: Credit Suisse fined $135m after FX traders ‘manipulated’ market”

Article: Credit Suisse fined $135 million over unfair forex practices

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Credit Suisse fined $135 million over unfair forex practices

Manaya Bagga, 14 November 2017

Credit Suisse has agreed to pay $135 million to resolve a probe of misconduct in its foreign exchange business. New York’s banking regulator Department of Financial Services (DFS) said Credit Suisse improperly shared information to manipulate currency prices and benchmark rates, and deceived customers to enhance its profits. The bank engaged in “unsound conduct” from 2008 to 2015, DFS added.

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Article: Credit Suisse Pays $135 Million to Settle New York FX Probe

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Credit Suisse Pays $135 Million to Settle New York FX Probe

Greg Farrell, 13 November 2017

Credit Suisse AG will pay $135 million to resolve currency-manipulation allegations by New York’s banking regulator, the latest echo from authorities’ long-running scrutiny of foreign-currency trading at big banks.

Traders at the Zurich-based bank, prodded by executives in some cases, shared information about clients’ currency orders, talked to traders from other banks and in some instances front-ran customer orders in an effort to boost the bank’s own profits, New York’s Department of Financial Services said as it announced a settlement on Monday.

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Article: The Curious Career of Steven Cohen

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The Curious Career of Steven Cohen

Robert Abbott, 07 November 2017

Few investment gurus have as controversial a record as Steven Cohen (Trades, Portfolio). He has won acclaim for outstanding returns over the long term, he’s been cursed for the way he does business by other Wall Streeters and he was at the center of an insider trading scandal, one that saw several of his traders convicted. Continue reading “Article: The Curious Career of Steven Cohen”


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Emergent Law,  31 October 2017

Wins Finance Holdings Inc. (“Wins”), a company that guarantees loans and leases equipment for small businesses in China, has been the target of multiple securities class action lawsuits ever since the news broke in March of this year that it was under investigation by the SEC for market manipulation of its stock. Incredibly, the stock price of Wins soared over 4,000% since the inception of trading near the end of 2015, with no company news headlines to explain this market bubble. On March 30, 2017, the investment analytics site Seeking Alpha reported the SEC investigation and the fact that Wins had mislead the Russell Index into including the company based upon a false report of the location of its headquarters.

On this news, the stock price plunged back to levels below $50 per share, only to be followed by another mysterious spike up to the $200 level in the early summer of this year. On June 7, 2017, NASDAQ announced that it was halting trade in Wins stock pending the receipt of further information from the company. On August 4, 2017, NASDAQ sent Wins a delisting determination letter, but withdrew this letter on October 19, 2017. The stock remains halted while NASDAQ awaits further information from Wins. Continue reading “Article: PURE MARKET MANIPULATION CLAIMS REMAIN OUT OF REACH FOR SOME SHAREHOLDERS VICTIMIZED BY MYSTERIOUS STOCK PRICE REVERSALS”

Article: The Story of Steve Cohen and SAC Capital

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The Story of Steve Cohen and SAC Capital

RICHMAN CENTER NEWS, 30 October 2017

On October 30, 2017, the Richard Paul Richman Center for Business, Law, and Public Policy held a fireside chat with Sheelah Kolhatkar, author of Black Edge: Inside Information, Dirty Money, and the Quest to Bring Down the Most Wanted Man on Wall Street. In her book, Kolhatkar relives the challenges faced by federal prosecutors while investigating insider trading by SAC Capital, a hedge fund headed by Steve Cohen—a secretive, intense, and highly successful trader who made billions from short term investments and trading. Continue reading “Article: The Story of Steve Cohen and SAC Capital”

Article: WSJ editorial board calls for Mueller’s resignation and accuses Clinton campaign and DNC of collusion

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WSJ editorial board calls for Mueller’s resignation and accuses Clinton campaign and DNC of collusion

Sonam Sheth , 29 October 2017

The Wall Street Journal’s editorial board called this week for a full Russia investigation — not into President Donald Trump’s campaign, but into the Democratic Party, the FBI, and the special counsel Robert Mueller. Continue reading “Article: WSJ editorial board calls for Mueller’s resignation and accuses Clinton campaign and DNC of collusion”

Article: BlackRock CEO: Bitcoin is an index of money laundering

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BlackRock CEO: Bitcoin is an index of money laundering

ALI BRELAND, 13 October 2017

Larry Fink, CEO of the investment management company BlackRock, hammered bitcoin on Friday. “Bitcoin just shows you how much demand for money laundering there is in the world,” Fink said at the Institute of International Finance on Friday. “It’s an index of money laundering. That’s all it is.” Continue reading “Article: BlackRock CEO: Bitcoin is an index of money laundering”

Article: Activist short-sellers are increasingly targeting Canadian companies — is Canada ready?

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Activist short-sellers are increasingly targeting Canadian companies — is Canada ready?

Barbara Shecter, 06 OCtober 2017

Early on the morning of May 31, San Francisco-based short-selling firm Muddy Waters LLC, best known in this country for the short report that toppled stock market darling Sino-Forest Corp. in 2011, posted a tantalizing message on the firm’s Twitter account.

“Good morning, Canada! MW is about to release a new short that we think is on its way to Zero,” the tweet read. Continue reading “Article: Activist short-sellers are increasingly targeting Canadian companies — is Canada ready?”