Filing: SEC v Goldman Sachs Execution & Clearing, L.P.


SEC v Goldman Sachs Execution & Clearing, L.P.

4 May 2010

These proceedings relate to GSEC’s response to the Commission’s September 17, 2008 emergency order enacting temporary Rule 204T to Regulation SHO (“Rule 204T” or the “Rule”). That Rule was an important part of the Commission’s response to concerns about the effects of “naked” short selling upon securities prices.

PDF (8 pages): SEC v Goldman Sachs Execution & Clearing, L.P.

Filing: CMKM Diamonds Lawsuit Against the SEC


These Defendants, acting in the course and scope of their employment by the United States of America as duly authorized Commissioners of the Securities and Exchange Commission, a federal agency, through their acts and omissions knowingly, consciously, wrongly, without compensation and without due process of law have effected a taking of property from each of the named Plaintiffs and all who are similarly situated.

PDF (18 Pages): CMKM Lawsuit Against the SEC 9 January 2010

Filing: SEC v Tonino Labella, et al.


SEC v Tonino Labella, et al.

United States District Court for the District of New Jersey, 15 February 2005

This securities law enforcement action concerns a fraudulent scheme that Labella and Serubo orchestrated to sell more than $16.8 million of unregistered Eagletech Communications, Inc. (“Eagletech”) and Select Media Communications, Inc. (“Select Media”) stock through unregistered offerings to the investing public.

PDF (26 pages: SEC v Tonino Labella, et al.

Filing: U.S. v RUSSO


U.S. v RUSSO, 11 January 1996

This is an appeal in a stock market manipulation case. Paul Russo, Barbara Hosman, and William Petrokansky appeal from judgments of conviction entered February 28, 1995, by the United States District Court for the Eastern District of New York, Sterling.

Real full filing.