Article: Guebert: ‘Price fixing’ settlements need big fix

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Guebert: ‘Price fixing’ settlements need big fix

Alan Guebert, 04 April 2021

In a too-common story in American agriculture, Archer Daniels Midland last month agreed to pay farmers $45 million to settle what the March 13 Wall Street Journal described as “price-fixing allegations leveled at its peanut processing division.”

While $45 million is, indeed, peanuts to ADM, this isn’t the first time the Chicago-based company has faced market manipulation charges. In the late 1990s, ADM spent years and millions on criminal and civil price-fixing settlements. But ADM isn’t the only ag master of the universe to settle recent civil lawsuits over alleged market irregularities. Continue reading “Article: Guebert: ‘Price fixing’ settlements need big fix”

Article: Taiwan allows Cargill to repatriate $2 billion frozen in currency speculation case: sources

Article - Media, Publications

Taiwan allows Cargill to repatriate $2 billion frozen in currency speculation case: sources

Ben Blanchard, 29 March 2021

TAIPEI (Reuters) – Taiwan’s central bank has allowed U.S.-based commodities house Cargill Ltd to repatriate around $2 billion that had been frozen as part of an investigation into currency manipulation, four people with direct knowledge told Reuters.

The central bank last month punished four foreign banks, including Deutsche Bank for helping grains firms speculate in the deliverable forwards foreign exchange market, as it moved to slow the Taiwan dollar’s rise.

Speaking on condition of anonymity, as they were not authorised to speak to journalists, sources told Reuters that Cargill was one of the main grains companies involved. The central bank has not named Cargill in its communications on the matter. Continue reading “Article: Taiwan allows Cargill to repatriate $2 billion frozen in currency speculation case: sources”