Author @LeeSmithDC tells @dbongino no one should be surprised if @TuckerCarlson's spying allegations against the NSA are proven true.
"If they spied on the President… if they spied on Michael Flynn, a retired 3-star general, they are spying on a lot of people."
— Bongino Report (@BonginoReport) June 30, 2021
Advisor: Michael Flynn
Advisor, PeopleMichael Thomas Flynn (born December 24, 1958) is a retired United States Army lieutenant general and conspiracy theorist who was the 25th United States National Security Advisor for the first 22 days of the Trump administration until his resignation. Flynn’s military career included a key role in shaping U.S. counterterrorism strategy and dismantling insurgent networks in the Afghanistan and Iraq Wars, and he was given numerous combat arms, conventional, and special operations senior intelligence assignments.
e became the 18th Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency in July 2012 until his forced retirement from the military in August 2014. During his tenure he gave a lecture on leadership at the Moscow headquarters of the Russian military intelligence directorate GRU, the first American official to be admitted entry to the headquarters. Continue reading “Advisor: Michael Flynn”
$100 Trillion Stolen by Wall Street Recoverable — Robert Steele’s Open Letter to the President
LetterOpen Letter to the President
Leverage NSA, Clean Up Wall Street, Engage Authentic Black Leaders
Mr. President,
It is my good fortune to be a former spy and also good friends with Bill Binney and known to Mike Flynn. It has taken me months to arrange for Bill Binney to speak on the record, in a sixteen minute video at With ten people in thirty days Bill can deliver all the data you need to confiscate, through civil and criminal forfeiture, $100 trillion (or more) in assets acquired by varied Wall Street financial criminals among whom Goldman Sachs is by far the largest, using naked short selling and money laundering to steal from all.
Article: Has Wall Street Stolen $100 Trillion from the American Public? Will Donald Trump Get It Back?
Article - MediaHas Wall Street Stolen $100 Trillion from the American Public? Will Donald Trump Get It Back?
Tehran Times, May 26, 2020 – International

TEHRAN – Robert David Steele, a former Marine Corps infantry officer and CIA spy as well as an activist for Open Source Everything Engineering (OSEE), contributes regularly to Tehran Times.
Release: President Trump Briefed on NSA Capabilities Against Financial Crime
ReleasePresident Trump Briefed on NSA Capabilities Against Financial Crime
Senior-level sources confirm that President Trump is now fully aware of NSA holdings relevant to mapping all individuals on Wall Street engaged in organized financial crime.
WASHINGTON, D.C. Earth Intelligence Network has learned that President Donald Trump has been briefed on and is now fully aware of National Security Agency (NSA) holdings relevant to mapping all individuals on Wall Street who have communicated via any electronic channel to advance naked short selling and money laundering, both federal as well as state crimes.
Continue reading “Release: President Trump Briefed on NSA Capabilities Against Financial Crime”
Article: Whistleblower Wall Street Has Engaged in Widespread Manipulation of Mortgage Funds
Article - MediaWhistleblower: Wall Street Has Engaged in Widespread Manipulation of Mortgage Funds
Heather Vogell
ProPublica, 15 May 2020
Securities that contain loans for properties like hotels and office buildings have inflated profits, the whistleblower claims. As the pandemic hammers the economy, that could increase the chances of another mortgage collapse.
Article: Credit Suisse Is Accused of Defrauding Investors in 4 Resorts
Article - MediaCredit Suisse Is Accused of Defrauding Investors in 4 Resorts
Jim Robbins
New York Times, 4 January 2010
Investors at four high-end resorts have filed a class-action lawsuit against Credit Suisse and the real estate services company Cushman & Wakefield, contending that they conspired to inflate the value of the properties so they could take them over.
The suit, outlined in an 84-page complaint filed Sunday in federal court in Boise, Idaho, details what it calls a sweeping loan-to-own scheme. Credit Suisse, according to the complaint, raked in huge fees on loans against the properties, which it syndicated and sold to hedge fund managers. If the resorts could not pay back the hundreds of millions of dollars in loans, based on the inflated values, Credit Suisse could either assume ownership as the agent for the creditors or sell the resorts.
Article: Ex-CIBC executive arrested
Article - Media, PublicationsSINCLAIR STEWART, 04 February 2004
A former executive at Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce was arrested yesterday and slapped with criminal charges for allegedly bankrolling clients who participated in an illegal mutual fund trading scheme. Paul Flynn, who served as a managing director in CIBC’s U.S. arbitrage business before leaving the bank in December, was charged with five felonies by New York State Attorney-General Eliot Spitzer. If convicted on two counts of grand larceny, he could face up to 25 years in state prison.
Mr. Flynn arranged financing for a pair of hedge funds — Canary Capital Partners LLC and Samaritan Asset Management — that engaged in late-trading and “deceptive” market-timing practices, according to regulatory allegations. Mr. Spitzer’s office accused Mr. Flynn of “stealing” more than $1-million (U.S.) from mutual fund investors by providing the financial backing for these trades.
Continue reading “Article: Ex-CIBC executive arrested”