Article: Who’s Been Swimming Naked? We’re About to Find Out (It’s Time to Raise Capital)

Article - Media

Who’s Been Swimming Naked? We’re About to Find Out (It’s Time to Raise Capital)

David Spreng

Runway Growth, 18 November 2019

Every growth company on the planet should seriously consider raising additional capital now. The U.S. economy and capital markets are showing near-record valuations, performance and strength across the board. However, we are keenly aware of economist Herb Stein’s maxim, “If something can’t go on forever, it won’t.” Growth capital is readily available today—but likely won’t be for many companies in the near future.

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Article: In Pursuit of the Naked Short by Alexis Stokes

Article - Academic

In Pursuit of the Naked Short

Alexis Stokes, Texas State University

Journal of Law and Business 5/1 (Spring 2009)

This article explores the origins of naked short-selling litigation; considers
the failures of significant naked short-selling lawsuits in federal court;
surveys the obstacles erected collectively by constitutional standing requirements, the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act, brokerage firms, death spiral financiers, and the Depository Trust and Clearing Corporation; examines the efficacy of Regulation SHO, SEC rule 10b-21, and new FINRA rules; discusses recent state legislation and state court litigation; and identifies non-litigation options to curb naked short-selling. Ultimately, this article seeks to answer the question: If manipulative naked short-selling is more than a mythological scapegoat for
small cap failure, what remedies are, or should be, available?

PDF (62 Pages): Article In Pursuit of the Naked Short