Robert Steele: DEPLATFORMED by PayPal — Am Striking Back — Checks Are Best Way of Donating


By the grace of God, donations by check and wire offer me the Armor of God against unethical abusive companies among which PayPal is now assured of front row standing.

They know full well of my strong history as a Patriot and as having a Gold Star rating as a non-profit. This is a Deep State attack, perhaps without the knowledge of the CEO, but our top ten law firm will make sure the CEO knows about this on Monday.

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Article: DTCC Proposes Shortening US Trading Settlement Cycle To T+1: Here’s Why That’s Important


DTCC Proposes Shortening US Trading Settlement Cycle To T+1: Here’s Why That’s Important

Wayne Duggan, Benzinga, 24 February 2021

ROBERT STEELE: This article is such crap. As if DTCC had not willfully covered up $100 trillion in naked short counterfeit sales these past 15-20 years. Until DTCC is given a porcupine enema and we sent DOJ, FBI, and US Southern District Attorneys to jail for life for treason — enabling foreign collusion and domestic crime against the US economy — for life, this will not change.

Twitter: Ihor Dusaniwsky Delusional? Robert Steele Comments


Ihor Dusanisky

Anything that is “fully paid for”, like a 401k, is automatically segregated by your broker & can’t be touched. It is a very big no-no for those shares to be used & when a broker gets their annual rectal exam by the authorities it is one of the first things the examiners check for

Robert David Steele

Ihor, nice in theory but the reality is that brokers ALWAYS borrow cash account shares to cover naked shorts, i.e. shares sold long that they don’t own or have not legally borrowed. @PatrickByrne

Robert David Steele: Open Letter to Financial Publishers


Look at the tag cloud.  We have just begun.  Wall Street is undergoing a controlled demolition and City of London is next. is the kill shot. They don’t care about fines and do not fear jail but they do fear being outed for Satanic pedophilia.  The printed books have been in the top 500 books sold out of six million published in their first week of publication. The content is free online and being read by millions, particularly across the Commonwealth countries whose publics seek liberty from Lucifer.

Continue reading “Robert David Steele: Open Letter to Financial Publishers”

David K. Lifschultz: New Forms of [Wall Street] Treason?


Max Keiser does not really understand what the monetary expansion has to cover.

Central banks are transferring wealth from the average person to the likes of Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos – RT’s Keiser Report

You have according to the BIS 600 trillion in derivatives against a 81 trillion dollar world GDP or a multiple of 7. The BIS coordinates only the banks so this figure does not include insurance company derivatives or others in private industry unless a bank is connected to the transaction so it is grossly understated.  Some Swiss bankers tell me it is more like 1.2 quadrillion and others up to 2.5 quadrillion. 1.2 quadrillion gives you a multiple on the world GDP of 14 and 2.5 quadrillion a multiple of 30.

Continue reading “David K. Lifschultz: New Forms of [Wall Street] Treason?”