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Tweet: Anders Melin on Congress & Robinhood & Citadel


Anders Melin

Robinhood just got asked by two lawmakers to send over its payment-for-order-flow contracts with market makers such as Citadel.

The letter came from @RepCindyAxne and @RepBillFoster

Robert Steele

@Jim_Jordan @RepCindyAxne @RepBillFoster all market makers cheat and both Senate and House committees are complicit in shall we dance? The tag cloud of names grows daily.

Tweet: Ihor Dusaniwsky: Nothing To See Here Folks, “Naked Shorting – not a real thing in the U.S. market”


Ihor Dusaniwsky

Naked Shorting – not a real thing in the U.S. market although it is talked about but rarely seen like Bigfoot, humble politicians and diet fried chicken.
Quote Tweet

Continue reading “Tweet: Ihor Dusaniwsky: Nothing To See Here Folks, “Naked Shorting – not a real thing in the U.S. market””

Tweet: Marc Cohodes Doubles Down Against Patrick Byrne


Marc Cohodes
For those not thinking it thru with $OSTK . the @SEC_Enforcement
is after Patrick Byrne and his Pump and Dump, not Overstock. This is not new at all and they should get Patrick, for what he did was wrong and illegal.. It was also years ago so I could frankly care less.

@AlderLaneeggs Gosh, Marc, you keep climbing in the tag cloud at What do you do when declassification of white collar criminal communications and banking transactions happen? #WallSteet, #SEC We have it all. Time for you to make the deal.

Twitter: Ihor Dusaniwsky Delusional? Robert Steele Comments


Ihor Dusanisky

Anything that is “fully paid for”, like a 401k, is automatically segregated by your broker & can’t be touched. It is a very big no-no for those shares to be used & when a broker gets their annual rectal exam by the authorities it is one of the first things the examiners check for

Robert David Steele

Ihor, nice in theory but the reality is that brokers ALWAYS borrow cash account shares to cover naked shorts, i.e. shares sold long that they don’t own or have not legally borrowed. @PatrickByrne

Mark Cohodes Hears From Robert Steele Tik Tok Tik Tok


Mark Cohodes posted this to his “private” twitter:

Robert Steele, intelligence professional, responded:

NOTE: Mr. Cohodes is believed to be well aware there were 50 million counterfeit shares. Evidence of both that fact and his knowledge of and engagement with that fact can be presented to a court court.  Mr. Cohodes should have  his day in court — in fact, he should have many days in many courts in CA, UK, and US. Tik tok, tik tok . . .


Cartoons @ Financial Crime

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Tweet: Marc Cohodes Weaves His Web — NewsFlash — We Have It All, Marc!

Subject of Interest, Tweet

Comment: Mr. Cohodes, who is very much present in the tag cloud, seems to think that we have all forgotten his years of engagement in the ecology of naked short selling. His offering to brief Congress, which G. Robert Blakey considers a RICO organization enabling naked short selling, is laughable. We have it all, Mr. Cohodes.  There is no place to run. Can you spell “discovery?”

Article: Senator Elizabeth Warren Tells The Securities And Exchange Commission To ‘Get Off Their Duffs And Do Their Jobs’ And Stop The ‘Rigged Game’ Of Market Manipulation

Article - Media, Tweet

Jack Kelly | 21.02.02

In a blistering interview with CNN, Senator Elizabeth Warren was incensed over the trading activities last week, saying the market “is a rigged game.” Warren boldly called out the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), the premiere Wall Street regulator, admonishing the agency “to grow a backbone” and “get off their duffs and do their jobs.”

Warren said, “We need more regulation about market manipulation.” She also decried the practices of “pump and dumps” and stock buybacks that enrich the CEOs and executives. The senator added, “The SEC needs a broader look at how hedge funds and corporations manipulate the market.”

Continue reading “Article: Senator Elizabeth Warren Tells The Securities And Exchange Commission To ‘Get Off Their Duffs And Do Their Jobs’ And Stop The ‘Rigged Game’ Of Market Manipulation”