Web: Gift of $25M Will Build Benton Center for Creativity and Innovation, Support Third-Century Plan


Gift of $25M Will Build Benton Center for Creativity and Innovation, Support Third-Century Plan

Mark Walden, Colgate University, 1 February 2021

Daniel Benton ’80, H’10, P’10 has secured his place as Colgate’s most generous benefactor, making a $25 million gift in support of the University’s Middle Campus Plan for Arts, Creativity, and Innovation and other elements within The Third-Century Plan.

Editor: An Alert Reader has suggested that the hedge funds that have been doing $100 trillion in naked short selling are starting to disburse money before it can be confiscated via civil and criminal forfeiture. $25M is chump change, but the thought by Alert Reader is one worthy of joint NSA-DOJ examination.

Carson Block Suspects Hedge Fund Coordination in Short Squeezes

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Carson Block, the activist short-seller famous for targeting Chinese frauds, recognizes familiar behavior in the rally of shares such as GameStop Corp. To him, the parabolic moves look less like the product of Reddit-driven retail orders than a short squeeze by hedge funds targeting other hedge funds.

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A Trading Forum on Reddit Leads a Stock to Surge over 1700% in Just One Month! Who is the Villain in the GameStop Saga?

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Steven Vervaecke: Wall Street Controlled Demolition Part 2


The wallstreetboys reddit gamestop saga has been interesting. But the next chapter will be far more interesting.

The elite have striken back very agressive after being taken in total surprise. the robin hood app have forced all the gamestop traders to sell their shares instead of holding it. with some futher manipulation the elite where allowed to trade first and drove the reddit people to sell with loss.

Continue reading “Steven Vervaecke: Wall Street Controlled Demolition Part 2”

Robert Steele: Wall Street Controlled Demolition Part 1


Alert Reader sent me this.


I believe that some opening shots may have been fired on Wall Street and the central banking system. It is unlikely that the recent price action GameStop stock (and others) was simply caused by Reddit bloggers. Understand that stock bloggers chat rooms have been around for two decades. Also understand that in order for a stock to move a couple of points, some serious and sustained purchase volume is needed. This would only come from well-capitalized or institutional sources. It is dubious to conclude that a bunch of keyboard warriors pooling their relative “nickels and dimes” would cause a major stock or market movement.

Continue reading “Robert Steele: Wall Street Controlled Demolition Part 1”

Alert Reader: Wall Street Situation More Dire, Cosmic Aspect?


I watched this:

Alliance, Trump, and More – Yazhi Swaruu´s Larger Perspective (Extraterrestrial Communication)

I reviewed earlier Cosmic Agency and it seemed to be at lower levels of transmissions – variable physical entities. This is different, it seems derive from non-physical beyond good and evil entities, delivered by Yazhi, but based on insights or information from a higher level.

It reflects what I am feeling — a much dire situation. The only good news is that the level of non-physical being just below unity with God are now concerned. If I see you in person, I’ll relate some information which I can not on-line.

Continue reading “Alert Reader: Wall Street Situation More Dire, Cosmic Aspect?”

Alert Reader: This is a coordinated attack, not a populist accident


I think it’s interesting, but it still seems a bit dubious. There is no possible way to get all of these new users to act like a hive mind. Each only has one bullet, so part of this is just naive. You are dealing with some fairly esoteric inner workings of a system that even most professionals don’t even understand.

Continue reading “Alert Reader: This is a coordinated attack, not a populist accident”

Capital One Fined for Anti-Money-Laundering Deficiencies


Treasury’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network said the bank admitted it had failed to maintain effective controls in a check-cashing business.

The Treasury Department on Friday said it fined Capital One Financial Corp. for “willfully failing to implement and maintain” effective anti-money-laundering controls. As part of the settlement, Capital One admitted that it “willfully failed to file thousands of suspicious-activity reports,” according to the Treasury’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network. The allegations pertain to a check-cashing group that Capital One acquired when it bought North Fork Bank in 2006.

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MEMORANDUM FOR THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: Subject: Immediate Opportunity to Confiscate $100 Trillion in Illicit Wealth from Wall Street

Amazon Page

As delivered to POTUS, Patrick Byrne, Mike Flynn, & Sidney Powell. The Chief of Staff was not able to block this one.

FULL COLOR CARTOONS INCLUDED. Letter size for maximum effect. A collector’s item.

Wall Street has stolen over $100 trillion dollars from Main Street over the past fifteen years. They have also laundered over $100 trillion in dirty money from trafficking in children, drugs, and other contraband.

This means that there is $200 trillion in illicit wealth all of which is confiscatable by the President via civil and criminal forfeiture, without trial.

#MAGA is assured. This memorandum is worth $100 trillion to We the People. Share it broadly, please.


Pedophilia & Empire Book 4 (North America) In Print Linked Table of Contents

Article: Caught in a bear trap: How ‘short and distort’ attacks are costing Australian investors billions

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Caught in a bear trap: How ‘short and distort’ attacks are costing Australian investors billions

Adele Ferguson

Sydney Morning Herald,

Australia has become a paradise for a new, aggressive form of short selling. And regulators’ failure to act is costing investors billions.

Dubbed the “short and distort” gang, a group of largely foreign-based research houses issue highly damaging reports, designed to cause maximum damage to the companies they target.

Read full article.

Article: The Dark Money Secretly Bankrolling Activist Short- Sellers — and the Insiders Trying to Expose It

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The Dark Money Secretly Bankrolling Activist Short-Sellers — and the Insiders Trying to Expose It

Michelle Celarier

Institutional Investor, 30 November 2020

More than a dozen short-sellers interviewed by Institutional Investor in an effort to penetrate this murky terrain say there are numerous players and various permutations of the model that may involve the sharing of ideas and research along with either a cut of the gains on the short trade or a set fee. In fact, some short-sellers believe that almost all of the activists have such backing — even those running small hedge funds themselves.