SEC Allows Deci-Billion Dollar Ponzi Scheme to Run For Years
Bob O’Brien
Sanity Check via Wayback, 16 December 2008
So, you have these cops, see? They patrol the neighborhood where all the cocaine gets sold, and yet for all their hard work, the coke problem spirals out of control. Many, when they choose to leave the force, get massive pay increases by going to work for some of the private security firms long linked to the coke dealers. They will occasionally bust small time dealers, or new entrants into the market, however the very visible kingpins in the neighborhood, who drive Bentleys and have their own planes, never get looked at. In fact, should anyone suggest that a Colombian with a 4th grade education not be a legitimate multi-million dollar business owner, they will get investigated. The town’s awash with coke and coke profits, but according to the cops, nobody knows where it all comes from, who is trafficking in it, or anyone that’s dirty. Everyone is mystified by the coke deluge.