Stop Abusive and Illegal Short Selling, 15 March 2016
Is your company’s stock exhibiting signs of abusive short selling?
There is an epidemic of abusive and illegal shorting of stocks on USA Stock Exchanges today. The problem is regulators are not equipped to stop it on a large scale. By and large, convictions do not come from regulators policing the markets.
How to tell if your stock is being illegally shorted:
- Has your share price decreased for 3 months or more for no apparent reason?
- Are people making negative, slanderous posts on message boards?
- Have writers published negative stories on your company using smear tactics and slanderous language?
- Does your stock regularly trade in uneven amounts or “odd lots” (1,357 shares, for instance)?
- Does your stock come under selling pressure anytime there is a press release regardless how positive the news is?
- Do you get random calls from so-called “investors”? They do this to give themselves more shares to sell into your stock.
- Nasdaq Regulation SHO list reports how many shares were initiated as a short on a daily basis. If you are seeing more than 20% of overall volume initiated short on a daily basis you are probably under an abusive/illegal shorting attack. Here is the link: Click on the day and scroll down to your ticker symbol. The 1st set of numbers is the shares the were initiated as a short, and the second set of numbers is the volume for the day. Make sure you click on the market that your stock trades on. (Nasdaq listings the 1st set, NYSE the 2nd set and the 3rd set is the OTC and pinks).
If you have 2 or more of these symptom’s, your stock is likely under attack by abusive/criminal short selling.