Here’s Why Shares of Ballard Power Systems Sank 18% in January
Scott Levine, 06 February 2018
Shares of Ballard Power Systems (NASDAQ:BLDP), an industry leader in fuel cell solutions, plunged more than 18% last month, according to data provided by S&P Global Market Intelligence. The decline follows a report from Spruce Point Capital that cast a critical eye on the company and assigned a long-term price target for the stock of $1.15 to $2.50. Through 2017, Ballard’s stock had risen 167%, ending the year at $4.41.
Ballard has high hopes for its success in the Chinese market — by providing solutions to bus and truck manufacturers — over the next several years. In fiscal 2016, for example, the company attributed 39% of its revenue to sales there, and forecasts that it will contribute 45% to its top line in fiscal 2020. However, it’s less optimistic about success in other markets, guiding for sales in North America (its second-largest source of revenue) to remain stagnant at 33% from fiscal 2016 to fiscal 2020 and sales in Europe to slide from 22% to 18% during the same period.