Article: Robinhood Selling Order Flow to Enable Illegal Front Running by Wall Street

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New filing shows Robinhood brought in close to $100 million by offloading order flow in the first quarter

Frank Chaparro, 15 June 2020

  • The new 606 filed at the end of May shows net payments made to Robinhood increased from $19.4 million in January to $45.4 million in March
  • Payments for options orders made up the lion’s share of total payments

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Comment: Front running is illegal because it uses insider information (advance knowledge of customer purchase orders before they are executed) to cheat the customers by leveraging that knowledge to insider advantage. Anyone paying $100 million to by order flow is probably making at least one billion in illicit profit.  Note: all tangible assets acquired by Wall Street insiders with illicit wealth are subject to immediate civil and criminal forfeiture.