PR Newswire, 28 January 2021
If you purchased CleanSpark securities during the Class Period, have questions concerning your rights or interests, or would like to discuss Berger Montague’s investigation, please contact attorneys Andrew Abramowitz at aabramowitz@bm.net or (215) 875-3015, or Donnell Much at dmuch@bm.net or (215) 875-4667, or contact us at www.bergermontague.com/cleanspark.
A recently filed lawsuit accuses the Company and members of its senior management of misleading investors about CleanSpark’s business and operations – specifically, that the Company overstated contracts and customer relationships, as well as its ability to provide advanced technology solutions to solve modern energy challenges.
According to the complaint, investors learned the true state of the Company’s health on January 14, 2021, when Culper Research published a report titled “Cleanspark: Back to the Trash Can.”