The world is changing now for the best .. We see men — the men of the millennial generation, putting the enemy of mankind on the same ground as the general population. The great equalizer and in this case not a gun … it is using their system against them .. Game Stop was just the warning shot .
Silver is the most undervalued asset in history .. the most suppressed asset price in history — for more than 20 years I have been writing about this .. I have studied the criminal activity of the market riggers and short sellers and the high frequency traders — skimming the life energy of America out of the market without the public having the slightest clue ..
Now we see that finally, after decades, Silver, the money of the common man — might just have the last say. The Silver bullet, the stake in the heart of the vampires of finance and Wall Street.
Just thought I would let you know that a lion is stirring and the growl will be heard all over the world .. The American financial system will crack up and go boom when Silver passes $50 .. the price point of liberty ..
Here is an article I wrote in 2011 with this same title ..
I was early then – but I had it all right just the same ..