AMLC orders freeze of UCCP Haran bank deposits, assets
Gigie Arcilla, 28 March 2021
MANILA – The Anti-Money Laundering Council issued a freeze order on the bank deposits and assets of a religious group’s center allegedly used to finance or support terrorism.
In a Resolution No. TF-36 dated March 12, 2021, the AMLC order covers the three bank accounts of the United Church of Christ in the Philippines’ (UCCP) Haran Center with the Philippine National Bank amounting to more or less PHP600,000, and a real property under the name of Brokenshire Integrated Health Ministries, Inc.
The freeze order stemmed from the AMLC’s investigation that the assets are used to finance terrorism in violation of Republic Act 10168 otherwise known as The Terrorism Financing Prevention and Suppression Act.
The UCCP Haran Center located on Fr. Selga Street, Madapo Hills, Bankerohan, Davao City, Davao del Sur, has become a sanctuary for beleaguered indigenous peoples (IP) in Mindanao.
Reports, however, showed these IPs, because of their ignorance and being unlearned, are exploited, enticed to join anti-government protest actions, brain-washed to hate the government, and soon to become members of the communist New People’s Army (NPA).
According to government security officials, in the guise of formal education, the IPs, including minors, are indoctrinated with a series of communist ideologies, principles, and beliefs into being “Red warriors” by Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) members posing as teachers in the so-called learning institution.