Another Market Paradox: Wall Street Struggles To Explain Record Equity Inflows Amid Stock Turmoil
TYLER DURDEN, 08 March 2021
Something bizarre is happening in the stock market: for the past three weeks stocks – and especially tech – has gotten hammered, with the Nasdaq briefly sliding into a 10% correction while the S&P has also been hard hit (although one can’t say the same for reflation stocks such as energy which have soared in recent weeks). Some other notable casualties: Apple has tumbled 15% since late January. Tesla has lost more than a quarter-trillion dollars in market value in three weeks, and more than $1.5 trillion has been wiped off the Nasdaq in less than a month.
And yet, despite this hit to risk assets on the back of the recent in surge in interest rates, accompanied by a parallel spike in both the VIX, and its bond market equivalent, the MOVE index.
on Friday we reported that according to the latest EPFR fund flow data, $22.2Bn in new money flowed into equities last week, following the previous week’s massive $46.2Bn inflow which was the 3rd biggest on record, bringing the total 16 week inflow to $436BN, a stunning burst of inflows as shown in the chart below.