A naked short selling Death spiral lending group EXPOSED and TRAPPED by a Public company GTII This Firm
GENEVA ROTH REMARK HOLDINGS, INC had their Convertible Debt retired and has no way to cover naked short Position The press release
Now the Rumor on the street is that over the years a total of 40,000,000 shares have flooded the market of this tiny company and in the last
20 trading days alone here is PROOF of 9,000,000 sold each day you can see the daily amount
All the signs of these crooks doing whatever they can to stop upside and Huge Margin Calls by selling more each day, Yesterday they sold another 288,000 out of the total volume on day of 512,000, With the removal of the Debt they have no way to cover but buying oil the open market. TRY BUYING 40,000,000 shares. This stock will be $100 fast Look for them to Walk Away from trade and file for Bankruptcy. This will lead to Wall St Prime Brokers buying the stock in and cleaning up the mess and Some very Bad Players finally gone and they do belong in JAIL. How many small caps have they destroyed and Millions STOLEN? The More you look the more bad things they have done
As you can see below the same names are all tied to together and it even leads to a Brokergae firm in NYC Vertical Group, The last loophole in Naked short selling is having direct access
Here is an example
The loophole even after Reg Sho Market makers and option market makers can sell stock without a borrow (naked shorting) as you can see the NASD was concerned what would happen many years ago.
Naked shorts need to partner with a Brokerage firm and everyone knows this SO OUR SHORT NEEDS A FRONT
Take a look at LIME and how they offer this service and how they let FRAUD happen
Here is a quick report from FINRA on that firm
Lime’s Direct Market Access Customers
4. During the Review Period, Lime offered its direct market access customers the ability to trade directly on multiple securities exchanges under Lime’s exchange memberships, using one of Lime’s unique four-letter codes, or market participant identifiers (“MPIDs”). Lime’s direct market access customers included foreign and domestic trading entities and other institutional clients. As the broker-dealer offering direct market access to customers, Lime had supervisory obligations for their trading activity entered through the Firm.
From September 1, 2012 through August 3, 2016 (the “Review Period”), Lime offered foreign and domestic trading firms and other institutional clients (“direct market access customers”) the ability to trade directly on multiple securities exchanges under Lime’s exchange memberships. During the Review Period, trading activity by certain of Lime’s direct market access customers triggered thousands of alerts at Lime that raised red flags for potentially manipulative trading. But Lime failed to establish and maintain a supervisory system and written supervisory procedures (“WSPs”) reasonably designed to achieve compliance with securities laws and rules in connection with its direct market access customers’ trading activity through the Firm. Lime’s supervisory system and WSPs did not provide guidance as to how the Firm should review alerts of potentially manipulative trading and how the Firm should supervise the disposition of any such alerts.
Charles Mayo (Carlos Alberto Mayo) and Curt Kramer= powerup lending, Mazuma holding
Corp, Mazuma Funding corporation, Mazuma corporation, Asher enterprises, Vertical Trading Group LLC
Seth Kramer and Curt Kramer = Remark films
Curt and Seth Kramer are brothers who come to the film business from Wall Street and are two of the largest private investors in micro-cap companies with a portfolio that includes hundreds of private and publicly traded corporations,” said Grodnik.
https://www.justice.gov/archive/usao/nys/pressreleases/December11/cambridgesettlementpr.pdf From the DOJ on Seth Kramer
https://www.sec.gov/litigation/admin/2016/33-10239.pdf And the SEC on his Brother Curt Kramer
Seth Kramer = Iron Bound films
Richard Naidich = Geneva Roth remark holdings, he is the principal, he also is a partner at Naidich Wurman LLP
The vertical group A NYC Brokerage firm
This is the new company I found tonight, The Vertical group, It’s a brokerage firm!!