Sidley Austin LLP, 07 June 2021
On June 4, 2021, the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) published Regulatory Notice 21-19 (the Notice), which requests comment on certain significant proposed changes to short position and stock loan reporting. Currently, FINRA Rule 4560 generally requires clearing firms/prime brokers that are FINRA members to report to FINRA twice per month aggregate settled short positions in firm and customer accounts, subject to certain exceptions. The short interest data collected by FINRA includes the reporting firm’s current aggregate settled short positions for each security and any short position changes at the firm since the prior reporting period. FINRA has requested comment on proposals that would, among other things, (i) increase the frequency of short interest reporting from twice per month to weekly or even daily; (ii) require clearing firms to report synthetic short exposure (e.g., long puts/short calls) in firm and customer accounts; (iii) require clearing firms to report loan obligations resulting from arranged financing and enhanced lending programs; (iv) require clearing firms to report to FINRA for regulatory purposes a report of daily allocations of fail to deliver positions under Rule 204(d) of Regulation SHO; and (v) consider requiring FINRA member firms to report to FINRA (for regulatory purposes but with an eye toward eventual public dissemination) certain information on stock loans.