Article: Senator Elizabeth Warren Tells The Securities And Exchange Commission To ‘Get Off Their Duffs And Do Their Jobs’ And Stop The ‘Rigged Game’ Of Market Manipulation

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Jack Kelly | 21.02.02

In a blistering interview with CNN, Senator Elizabeth Warren was incensed over the trading activities last week, saying the market “is a rigged game.” Warren boldly called out the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), the premiere Wall Street regulator, admonishing the agency “to grow a backbone” and “get off their duffs and do their jobs.”

Warren said, “We need more regulation about market manipulation.” She also decried the practices of “pump and dumps” and stock buybacks that enrich the CEOs and executives. The senator added, “The SEC needs a broader look at how hedge funds and corporations manipulate the market.”

Senator Elizabeth Warren Tells The Securities And Exchange Commission To ‘Get Off Their Duffs And Do Their Jobs’ And Stop The ‘Rigged Game’ Of Market Manipulation