NovaGold Lower Slightly After StreetSweeper Report
Benzinga, 07 January 2016
Shares of NovaGold Resources Inc. (NYSE: NG) were trading lower by more than 1 percent on Thursday following a negative report by The Street Sweeper on Wednesday. The Street Sweeper’s Sonya Colberg argued that while “there may be gold” in NovaGold Resources’ properties, investors “better not count” on the company “digging it out.”
Colberg noted that NovaGold owns 50 percent of 2 separate properties in Alaska (Donlin Gold) and Canada (Galore Creek). Meanwhile, the company is awaiting government approval for over 100 permits in its Alaska property while its Canadian property hasn’t seen any gold recovery despite numerous attempts since 2003. “Expected expenses are massive,” the report stated. ” The prospects are iffy. The risks are enormous. And the excavation route goes straight through investors’ wallets.”