Paul Simpson: Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation (DTCC) member of the board. He is the Global Banking & Markets Operations and Regions executive at Bank of America. He leads a team responsible for operations for institutional and commercial, corporate, investment banking and government clients, as well as small business and business banking clients. The team delivers end-to-end services, support and operations for sales, trading and underwriting businesses and comprehensive financial services solutions, including credit, depository, treasury and trade delivery and support. Simpson also leads the regional technology and operations teams in the Asia Pacific, Europe, Middle East & Africa and Latin America regions. Simpson is also responsible for robotics, and robotics process automation optimization across Global Technology and Operations.
Prior to this role, Simpson was managing director and global head of Equity Asset Management Services at Bank of America Merrill Lynch. He was responsible for multiple Global Markets businesses, including Prime Brokerage, Stock Loans, Swaps, Global Custody and Agency Services, Futures & Options, OTC Clearing and Foreign Exchange Prime Brokerage.