Article: If you bought DoorDash at $180…

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If you bought DoorDash at $180…

SirGasleak, 10 December 2020

No moat at all. Sure they have 50% market share but there are competitors. They’re a delivery service – anyone can do what they do. Not only does this pose a risk to market share, but it poses a huge risk to the already thin profit margins. At some point (because of 2-4 below) they will have to lower their fees and take rate, which will hurt margins even more.

No brand value or brand loyalty. People couldn’t care less who delivers their food, as long as it shows up on time and hot. Early in COVID I was using Skipthedishes until I got frustrated with poor service so I left. There is nothing to keep customers loyal to DoorDash if someone else offers better service, or the same service at a better price.

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