AN INVESTOR HAS OFFERED $100K toward a full-length professional movie with in person multi-crew interviews and maximum professional editing and narration. Seeking three more investors at $100K each, ideally individuals who want their own stories featured rooted in their experience with Wall Street treason, naked short selling, or money laundering and other forms of financial fraud. Anyone filing a mega-million lawsuit against Goldman Sachs, Merrill Lynch, JP Morgan, or Citadel is particularly well-qualified to be an executive producer of this new movie.
20210221: Not going to update this anymore. We will be doubling or tripling the contents of this site in near term, to including adding 300 cases and over 1,000 names of alleged traitors and criminals party to financial crime.
20210217 New Videos Posted:
Mirror: Marc Cohodes’ Last Stand With MiMedX (w/ Grant Williams) | Interview | Real Vision™
Marc Cohodes on GameStop, Melvin, Citadel, and the State of Short-Selling
Mirror: LIVE Q&A: Grant Williams In Conversation With Marc Cohodes
Mirror: Marc Cohodes at the Grant’s Fall 2016 Conference
Mirror: Marc Cohodes And MiMedx | Interview | Real Vision
Mirror: Marc Cohodes: Short Call On Concordia International
Mirror: Cohodes Still shorting Home Capital Video BNN 2
Matt Ehret on UK / Central Banks As Main Enemy of the USA
20210212 Videos Posted to Date:
- Mirror: Anti-Social Media: fake news in defense of naked short selling
- Mirror: Rob Kirby: The Future Of Financial Markets
- WALL STREET TREASON & CRIME: Wes Christian Raw — Wall Street Has Stolen $100 Trillion
- Mirror: Jim Cramer Discusses Subpoena with Herb Greenberg the Worst Business Journalist in America
- Mirror: Jim Cramer Explaining the Basics of Stock Market Manipulation
- Mirror: A Conversation with Walied Soliman
- Mirror: The Strategic Hour: Economic Bubbles and the Great Reset
- Mirror: Jim Bianco – Wall Street Bets: Who’s Playing Who?
- Mirror: Patrick Byrne-Changing a Billion Lives & Stopping Corruption with Blockchain
- Mirror: Krystal and Saagar: SEC To INVESTIGATE Redditors On GameStop, Call Star User Before Congress
Low budget high value produced by Sacha Stone, Cynthia McKinney, Sean Stone, and Robert Steele. Follow our progress at this single link for all three movies we are doing in next 30, 60, 90 days plus an overview movie coming out by 1 March. $1000 donations deductible for US taxpayers gets screen credit as a co-producer. Donation links at the URL.
20210211 First directed video for the new movie in the new series is up, see also past videos.
#UNRIG Video (38:29) Wall Street Treason & Crime – In Conversation with Wes Christian
20210208 We have loaded several new videos and updated Patrick Byrne’s extraordinary series of videos by replacing unreliable YouTube videos with absolutely reliable BitChute videos. Do not miss the core point in favor of enforcement:
Bill Binney & Robert Steele: We Have It All – Make The Deal Or Else . . .