Article: Taiwan Calls on U.S. to Suspend Currency Manipulation Criteria

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Taiwan Calls on U.S. to Suspend Currency Manipulation Criteria

Miaojung Lin and Samson Ellis, 18 April 2021

Taiwan urged the U.S. to temporarily ease its monitoring of trading partners for currency manipulation during the ongoing Covid pandemic.

The U.S. Treasury should suspend its three criteria for designating major trading partners currency manipulators while the world battles the coronavirus, Taiwan’s central bank said in a statement on its website Sunday in response to the latest U.S. foreign-exchange policy report.

The U.S. refrained from labeling any economy a currency manipulator in the Biden administration’s first report published Friday, despite acknowledging that Taiwan, Switzerland and Vietnam all met the threshold. Continue reading “Article: Taiwan Calls on U.S. to Suspend Currency Manipulation Criteria”

Article: Why China ‘Bad Bank’ Huarong’s Fall Is Big Bad News: QuickTake

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Why China ‘Bad Bank’ Huarong’s Fall Is Big Bad News: QuickTake

Rebecca Choong Wilkins, 18April 2021

What happens when a company set up by the Chinese government to help clean up toxic debt in the country’s banking system gets into trouble itself? We’re finding out now. Investors were spooked in April after China Huarong Asset Management Co., one of the country’s biggest distressed asset managers, failed to release financial statements in the wake of the execution of its former top executive for bribery. That raised questions about its financial health — and broader worries about whether China would let an institution backed by the central government fail. The ending of a presumed safety net that’s long been priced into Chinese bond values would mean a seismic shift for investors across emerging markets. Continue reading “Article: Why China ‘Bad Bank’ Huarong’s Fall Is Big Bad News: QuickTake”

Article: The Securities Exchange Commission is becoming woke – opinion

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The Securities Exchange Commission is becoming woke – opinion

DARLENE CASELLA , 17 April 2021

Franklin D. Roosevelt was president when the Securities Exchange Commission was created in 1934. The function of the SEC was to regulate the buying and selling of securities, and to reform the stock exchanges. Its Holy Grail was to protect investors.

Prior to the stock market crash in 1929, there was no regulation of financial markets. A flower shop could sell stocks and bonds. The shoe shine boy gave hot stock tips. Unregulated Wall Street was deficient of accurate audited information regarding securities issued or sold. False information, fraudulent rumors and get-rich-quick schemes abounded. Speculation, insider trading, manipulation, short selling and buying on low margin credit was rampant. Prominent stock brokerage firms existed, but trustworthy information was out of the question for the average person. Continue reading “Article: The Securities Exchange Commission is becoming woke – opinion”

Article: US Treasury says no major trading partner manipulates currency

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US Treasury says no major trading partner manipulates currency

Xinhua, 17 April 2021

WASHINGTON — The US Treasury Department on Friday said that no major trading partner of the United States meets the criteria as a currency manipulator, but Vietnam, Switzerland and China’s Taiwan will be under enhanced monitoring for their currency practices.

In its semiannual Report on Macroeconomic and Foreign Exchange Policies of Major Trading Partners of the United States, the Treasury Department concluded that Vietnam, Switzerland and Taiwan met all three criteria for enhanced currency analysis under the Trade Facilitation and Trade Enforcement Act of 2015 during the four quarters through December 2020. Continue reading “Article: US Treasury says no major trading partner manipulates currency”

Article: US Financial Markets Have Become A Giant Mirage Built On A Foundation Of Fraud

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US Financial Markets Have Become A Giant Mirage Built On A Foundation Of Fraud

TYLER DURDEN, 17 April 2021

Would you pay more than 100 million dollars for a single deli in rural New Jersey that had less than $36,000 in sales during the last two years combined? I know that sounds like a completely ridiculous question, but the stock market apparently thinks that deli is worth that much. On Thursday, the Dow Jones Industrial Average closed above 34,000 for the first time in history, and investors all over the country cheered. But this financial bubble is not real. It is a giant mirage that is built on a foundation of fraud. Continue reading “Article: US Financial Markets Have Become A Giant Mirage Built On A Foundation Of Fraud”

Article: Reddit grows up on its way to an IPO

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Reddit grows up on its way to an IPO

Nicolás Rivero, 17 April 2021

Reddit has traditionally taken a laissez-faire approach to policing content on its platform. The company hosts a loose federation of old-school internet forums, known as subreddits, which are each overseen by a team of volunteer moderators. Reddit sets certain baseline rules banning things like child porn, drug sales, and (as of 2015) harassment. But the rest is up to the users in each subreddit, who set their own community-specific norms and empower unpaid moderators to enforce them.

This is a starkly different moderation approach from Facebook and Twitter, which each set clear, granular, top-down rules in their terms of service and employ armies of contract workers and far-reaching algorithms to weed out noxious content. Reddit’s decentralized policy has become a liability in recent years, and may become even more of a drag as the company eyes an IPO. (Reddit recently hired Drew Vollero, who helped Snapchat go public in 2017, as its first-ever CFO to help prepare for the company’s debut on the stock market.) Continue reading “Article: Reddit grows up on its way to an IPO”

Article: Bank of Thailand Unfazed by U.S. Currency Watchlist Inclusion

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Bank of Thailand Unfazed by U.S. Currency Watchlist Inclusion

Suttinee Yuvejwattana, 17 April 2021

The Bank of Thailand has responded to the U.S. decision to keep the nation on watch for currency manipulation by asserting it has stepped into the market only to curb volatility in the baht.

The central bank is committed to exchange-rate flexibility, with “interventions limited only to curbing excessive volatility and rapid movements of the baht on both sides,” Assistant Governor Chantavarn Sucharitakul said in a statement Saturday, adding that “Thailand has never used the exchange rate as a tool to gain an unfair trade advantage.” Continue reading “Article: Bank of Thailand Unfazed by U.S. Currency Watchlist Inclusion”

Article: JPMorgan forced out trader who cooperated with fed probe: lawsuit

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JPMorgan forced out trader who cooperated with fed probe: lawsuit

Kathianne Boniello, 17 April 2021

JPMorgan Chase treated indicted employees better than an executive who cooperated with federal investigators, according to a lawsuit.

Commodities trader Donald Turnbull claims in court papers he was abruptly canned from the bank’s precious metals trading group as soon as JPMorgan execs discovered the extent of his cooperation with the U.S. Department of Justice. Continue reading “Article: JPMorgan forced out trader who cooperated with fed probe: lawsuit”

Article: Vietnam Reiterates Dong Policy After Manipulator Label Dropped

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Vietnam Reiterates Dong Policy After Manipulator Label Dropped

Mai Ngoc Chau, 17 April 2021

Vietnam’s central bank reiterated its exchange-rate management policy was in line with other economic goals after the U.S. Treasury Department removed the nation from its currency manipulator list.

The State Bank of Vietnam said its monetary policies are not meant “to create an unfair competitive advantage in international trade” for Vietnam, and are intended to control inflation and support growth, according to a statement on Saturday.

“The State Bank has applied measures to gradually improve the flexibility of the exchange rates while maintaining the foreign currency market in a stable manner,” it said. “The U.S. Treasury Department has recorded positive developments in Vietnam’s foreign currency market and the central bank’s performances.” Continue reading “Article: Vietnam Reiterates Dong Policy After Manipulator Label Dropped”

Article: EXCLUSIVE Brazil’s IG4 bids $916 mln to become a top shareholder in Chilean miner SQM -sources

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EXCLUSIVE Brazil’s IG4 bids $916 mln to become a top shareholder in Chilean miner SQM -sources

Dave Sherwood, Tatiana Bautzer, 17 April 2021

Brazilian private equity firm IG4 Capital has delivered a $916 million bid to buy into holding companies that have large stakes in Chilean lithium miner Sociedad Quimica y Minera de Chile, known as SQM, two sources with knowledge of the matter said.

If SQM’s shareholder Julio Ponce agrees to the proposed deal, IG4 would become one of the largest shareholders of the world’s second largest lithium producer. The group intends to appoint up to four board members, according to the proposal described by the sources. Continue reading “Article: EXCLUSIVE Brazil’s IG4 bids $916 mln to become a top shareholder in Chilean miner SQM -sources”

Article: Switzerland’s SNB Still Ready for Forex Intervention as U.S. Drops Manipulator Tag

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Switzerland’s SNB Still Ready for Forex Intervention as U.S. Drops Manipulator Tag

John Revill, 16 April 2021

ZURICH (Reuters) – The Swiss National Bank (SNB) said on Friday it remained ready to intervene in foreign exchange markets, after the U.S. Treasury Department dropped its currency manipulator label for the country even though it met criteria for the designation.

The Swiss central bank noted the U.S. Treasury Department did not use the term currency manipulator in a new report, adding its foreign exchange purchases were not intended to alter Swiss balance of payments or unfairly help the Swiss economy.

“The SNB’s position is therefore clear: Switzerland does not engage in any currency manipulation,” the SNB said. Continue reading “Article: Switzerland’s SNB Still Ready for Forex Intervention as U.S. Drops Manipulator Tag”

Article: Morgan Stanley Burned by $911 Million of Losses on Archegos

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Morgan Stanley Burned by $911 Million of Losses on Archegos

Sridhar Natarajan, 16 April 2021

(Bloomberg) — Morgan Stanley became the latest bank to get swept up in the implosion of Archegos Capital Management, reporting $911 million in total losses related to the debacle.

“The current quarter includes a loss of $644 million related to a credit event for a single prime brokerage client, and $267 million of subsequent trading losses through the end of the quarter related to the same event,” Morgan Stanley said Friday in announcing first-quarter earnings.

The loss was tied to Archegos, said a person with knowledge of the matter.

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Article: This $800 million whistleblower program is losing its top cop

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This $800 million whistleblower program is losing its top cop

Matt Egan, 16 April 2021

The head of the Securities and Exchange Commission’s highly-successful whistleblower program is stepping down at a delicate moment for the market watchdog.

Jane Norberg is leaving the SEC on Friday, after presiding over a four-and-half-year period during which the whistleblower office handed out a staggering $702 million in awards to 114 individuals who aided the agency’s investigations.

Her departure comes as former Obama-era official Gary Gensler takes over the SEC and as regulators come under fire from progressives — and even some famous investors — for failing to do enough to protect investors. Continue reading “Article: This $800 million whistleblower program is losing its top cop”

Article: David Einhorn calls out Elon Musk and Chamath Palihapitiya, defends GameStop champion Roaring Kitty, and blasts market regulators in a new letter. Here are the 11 best quotes.

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David Einhorn calls out Elon Musk and Chamath Palihapitiya, defends GameStop champion Roaring Kitty, and blasts market regulators in a new letter. Here are the 11 best quotes.

Theron Mohamed, 16 April 2021

The elite investor David Einhorn blasted market regulators, accused Elon Musk and Chamath Palihapitiya of juicing assets, and praised the GameStop champion Keith Gill in a letter to Greenlight Capital investors this week.

The Greenlight president also highlighted the “Big Short” investor Michael Burry’s exit from Twitter and pushed for greater scrutiny of Archegos Capital, the family office that blew up in March. Einhorn’s latest letter was obtained by ValueWalk. Continue reading “Article: David Einhorn calls out Elon Musk and Chamath Palihapitiya, defends GameStop champion Roaring Kitty, and blasts market regulators in a new letter. Here are the 11 best quotes.”

Article: Developer Can’t Revive Lloyds Suit Over Misselling Review

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Developer Can’t Revive Lloyds Suit Over Misselling Review

Paige Long, 16 April 2021

An English appeals court ruled on Friday that a property investor cannot sue Lloyds Banking Group over its conduct during a review of interest rate hedging products bought in the mid-2000s because his complaint was invalid.

The Court of Appeal upheld a decision from July that threw out the lawsuit brought by Clive Davis against Lloyds Bank. The higher court ruled that the property investor’s grievances did not comply with the regulatory definition of “complaint” in the Financial Conduct Authority’s dispute resolution rules. Continue reading “Article: Developer Can’t Revive Lloyds Suit Over Misselling Review”